Thursday, December 3, 2015

Jack Winter Knight Mech WIP

Rendering my knight, let me know if there's anything I need to fix or anything I should consider! Work in progress.


  1. whoa. that is definitely a change of scenery! i like where this is going. i would just consider working on the head. maybe adjust the position of the little angels hovering around it so that it stands out more. and tweak the shape just a tad. looking really cool though :)

  2. Hi Jack,

    I love where it's going and the mood you are creating. 2 issues I have:
    1. upper arm of the skinny arm: I get why the band is there, but looks big odd. maybe consider pulling back the curve and instead add armor parts with curves to compensate for the silhouette?

    2. The joint work. I know it's WIP, but for now, I don't see how it can bend its arms (elbow joint) or move other parts. So once joint work is added or once you carve out the clearance on the armor so we can imagine how the parts can bend, I think it'll help the realism a lot.


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